Welcome to MoonWillow Bookshop!

MoonWillow Bookshop is more than just a bookstore; it's a portal to new worlds, a haven for bibliophiles, and a place to nurture your inner explorer. We believe that every book holds the potential to transport you, to teach you, and to spark your imagination. Whether you crave a thrilling fantasy adventure, a heart-wrenching romance, or a thought-provoking mystery, MoonWillow Bookshop has something for everyone!

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  • Tween Books

    We have a collection of books handpicked by kids for kids.

  • YA & Adult Books

    Check out our wide range of genres in YA and Adult books!

  • Blind Dates

    Can't figure out what to get? Check out our Blind Dates with a Book!

  • Book Clubs

    Coming Soon!

Hello, Adventurer!

MoonWillow Bookshop was dreamed into existence by Jessi, a self-proclaimed book goblin with a heart overflowing with wanderlust (and a bookshelf overflowing with books!). Fueled by a lifelong love of stories and a mischievous glint in their eye, Jessi meticulously curates MoonWillow's shelves, ensuring there's a fantastical adventure or a heart-wrenching tale waiting for every curious soul who wanders through the (virtual) door.

In additional to reading, Jessi enjoys tabletop roleplaying games, fantasy shows, and anime with their daughter (who is also a miniature book goblin).